Wednesday, September 5, 2012

As A Tree

In the likeness of a tree, very much at its footprint resides the law of manifestation.
The beauty unfolds as designed, fulfilling all elements ascribed. No matter the countless observations, the mystery remains consistently profound.
The master maketh well, doesn’t he?  And in so doing, lies the pattern, remembrance, and  continuum. Every seed, an episode to behold!
None ever doubt its capabilities. And it too seems to never fail to follow its prescribed fate.
To know it… is to know life. For as it is destined, so are we. Consciousness abides in this framed image as it seems, doesn’t it? 
Ah! How graciously does it gather heaven at its feet where earth dwells, together unveiling the union in it of them all? 
There are depths, heights, width and equilibrium. It welcomes them all.
Tis a marvelous wonder! A magnificent friend! A true friend indeed! One destined never to deter from its calling to be fruitfully faithful!
It gives of its breath in concert with the sun and replenishes when the moon regenerates and safeguards the master’s precious gift.
It blissfully sustains its earthly friends. Sumptuously clothes them all. Willingly, pleasingly offers its flowers and fragrances as it is destined to the well being and wealth of its cohabitants.
In its likeness there is renewable strength, great grace and unmeasured prosperity….isn’t there?
        Welcome to this journey! As we meticulously explore, consciously manifest and gleefully expand….
                                                                                                                                                “As a Tree”